Why We Do It
New York, New York
The storytelling project, Why We Do It, grew out of my own personal interest in MMA. As I was learning Muay Thai, I became interested in people’s stories. So, for this project, I dove into the lives of people that participate in MMA in New York’s many gritty and upscale clubs, showcasing the personal, raw, and often surprising reasons why they choose to step into the ring.
Through portraits of the clubs, interviews, and visual storytelling, I explore the diversity of people in MMA—why they fight, what they’ve overcome, and how the sport fits into their lives. Some are in the ring to heal from past trauma or overcome fear. Some are chasing structure or discipline. Others are there simply for the love of the game or the unique community. From amateurs to seasoned pros, from coaches to kids, every story adds a layer to the bigger picture of what MMA really represents.
The Human Stories
“It’s empowering knowing how to choke someone out or throw a punch, I feel better about myself the better I get, just knowing I can defend myself makes my life so much better, I’m much more confident.”
— Maria
“Started as wanting to defend myself, but now I just do it for the fun of it. Nothing beats getting you ass handed to you by someone half your weight”
— Sebastion
“There no ego doing this, there’s always someone better than you….I don’t really know why I keep coming back. It's probably because I feel like an equal here, you know, we’re all ass at this sport no matter what level, so I guess that’s why.”
— Garret M
“I got a community now, this is the only place where everyone has your back. We all want to see each other improve.”
— Elliot
“I go here just out of habit at this point, for me it's just like going to a regular gym. I get to get my anger out and learn something new at the same time…so like a win-win type of deal.”
— 王
“I needed a goal, you know most people here want to get that black belt, and same with me. It’s good to have something outside of your career to work towards.”